Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Shoes - Digital

Done in Adobe Illustrator.

My message for this piece was that these shoes are out-doorsy shoes.
I ventured all over Italy in these shoes.
They are comfortable enough for hiking and travel!
(Also the brand is 'Champion')

Friday, April 18, 2014

Shoes Painting - Finished

Finished product. 
My overall message was that shoes shouldn't be a gendered item.
(Maybe with the exception of dress shoes. But hey, if a grown man wants to wear red pumps, who's to stop him?)
The pink/red on top represent "female/feminine" colors, and the blues on the bottom represent the "male/masculine" colors. The purple surrounding the shoe is supposed to be a mix of the two colors, a gender ambiguous/all including color. 
I wanted to show that this shoe isn't just for boys or just for girls
No matter your gender identity, you should be able to wear whatever shoe you want.
(Also those are XXs with the pink and XYs with the blue. Get it?)

Done with ink and acrylic paint on chipboard. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Shoes for Web

Mr. Wertz fixed the crinkling of the paper using Illustrator.
More to come with editing the color of the shoes & typography.

Progress on Shoes Painting

It's a little blurry because wow iPhones suck but yeah, changed it up a bit by adding purple around the shoe itself and lightening it up.
Still a WIP.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Shoes for Illustrator

This is the manual piece that will be digitalized using Illustrator.
Done in India Ink.