Saturday, December 14, 2013

Updated Full Figure

Reworked my full figure. Used gesso on top of the watercolor blue paint and got a cool effect with it. I was going for a kind of frosty, winter window tinge instead of straight-up dusty iron bars of a jail cell.
Hence why I whitened the bars of the jail cell with gesso and completely changed the image I had initially wanted to portray.
I personally like it better this way. I also worked on the figure itself, lightening up and darkening needed areas.

All of my pieces this semester

This is all (or most of) my pieces on a panel for the Winter Art Show.
They're all printmaking with additive collage and other mediums.

Observational drawing collage

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Additive Monotypes

(Character belongs to Andrew Hussie)
Not my best work. Not as realistic as I would've liked it to be. Oh well.
It was originally a print. Went in with ink and pastel.
The background is actually purple, but my phone turned it blue for some reason...
The letters across his shoulders say "ALMOST HUMAN" because the character, Cronus, doesn't like being a troll; he would rather be human, hence the human skin color coming through the gray troll skin color and the brown hair coming through his troll black hair. 

(Whoever came up with the astrological symbols, well then those belongs to that person)
The background is a print that went really wrong haha, it was SUPPOSED to have the symbols in the print, but the ink was too thick and too dark. 
So I used my ghost pull print which had more visible symbols, colored them with colored pencils according to the color of each sign, and then glued them onto this background.
I arranged the symbols in the orders of the months, going clockwise.
The larger symbol in the middle is the Scorpio symbol - my symbol.
The order, going clockwise: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Sagittarius, with Scorpio in the middle.